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HSOT Holiday Program Reminder
HSOT Holiday Program Reminder
Dec 9, 2016
SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM STORIES FROM SANTA’S WORKSHOP Tonawanda City Hall Community Room Wednesday December 14, 2016 • 7 PM Presented by: Paul Krause, with Ned Schimminger
This year’s December program will be a departure from past formats, with a special program on vintage toys entitles “Stories from Santa’s Workshop." Long time toy collector and Historical Society member Paul Krause will be our featured presenter. Paul has been collecting toys for over 30 years and plans to bring in and share interesting stories about a number of them for us. Paul’s interest in collecting toys began when he discovered a number of his own childhood toys that his mother had kept and stored away.
Ned Schimminger, historical society archivist, will also show a number of toys from our own museum collection, including the turn-of-the-century animal ten pins game and a German magic lantern.
As a special highlight of this month’s program, we are asking members who plan to attend to bring in a toy from their own past. We will allow time for anyone wishing to share a short story about their toy. But if you don’t want to get up and talk, feel free still to simply bring in an item that others might enjoy seeing. We will have a number of tables available for display.
We hope to see you there!

Official Home: The Historical Society of the Tonawandas, Inc.
Museum and General Office: 113 Main Street, Tonawanda, NY, 14150-2129
(716) 694-7406 Email tonahist@gmail.com
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